You may want to think about investing in the

Canon EOS R6 Mark II

The Canon EOS M6 Mark II is now the new face of the Canon EOS M6 and Canon EOS M5, released as their flagship APS-C

This camera's 32.5MP APS-C sensor captures superior, detailed photos, outclassing rival APS-C cameras

Canon excels in the EOS M6 Mark II's ergonomics with a superb grip and an intuitive dial interface

At 408g (with battery and card), this camera offers a joyfully lightweight and travel-friendly experience, perfect for extended use

The Canon EOS M6 Mark II doesn't include a built-in EVF, requiring an additional investment of approximately $200

With a detachable 2.36M DOT resolution EVF, this camera offers excellent value. The built-in pop-up flash is ideal for capturing stunning portraits

The 1.04M DOT LCD screen tilts, ideal for selfies and vlogging, though it doesn't fully articulate

Canon EOS M6 Mark II supports USH-II with a single memory card slot

With Canon's remarkable color science, this camera effortlessly captures accurate colors and lifelike skin tones

The EOS M6 Mark II features impressive 14fps AF tracking and RAW burst mode with a half-second pre-buffer for capturing the perfect shot

The camera features crisp 4K/30P and 1080/120P for stunning slow-motion footage